Spectroscopy Since 1975
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Spectroscopy Products

Advion’s SOLATION inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer expands their portfolio to include high-performance, multi-element analysis for environmental, clinical, biomedical, food, agriculture and geological applications.

A new range of fNIR imaging systems enables measurement of human subjects in the lab, at home or in the real world.

Acton Optics & Coatings has developed new UV-NIR neutral density filters with a UV coating that extends ND filter performance down to 190 nm.

Bruker’s INVENIO S FT-IR research spectrometer replaces the TENSOR spectrometer series and focuses on productivity in routine and advanced laboratory analysis.

Czitek has introduced the SurveyIRVS FT-IR microanalysis accessory for bulky samples that decouples the stage from the optical microscope.

PerkinElmer’s QSight® 400 Series triple quad mass spectrometer is designed for rapid identification and quantitation of pesticides, mycotoxins and emerging contaminants in complex food, cannabis and environmental testing applications.

The Cora 100 is a handheld Raman spectrometer for on-the-spot identification of explosives, narcotics and hazardous materials.

The Renishaw RA816 Biological Analyser is a compact benchtop Raman imaging system, designed for biological and clinical research.

The EKKO® CD microplate reader from Bio-Logic cuts screening time by 10 times compared to CD spectrometers with auto samplers.

PicoQuant’s FluoTime 250 luminescence spectrometer makes acquiring time-resolved data as simple as plugging it in and starting measuring.

Leybold has launched the LEYSPEC for residual gas analysis in vacuum systems; there are six variants in the product series.

The new DELTA software release for JEOL NMR spectrometers has integrated CRAFT data processing.

McPherson’s Model 251MX has applications for water window imaging, HHG laser spectroscopy, x-ray plasma diagnostics, extreme ultraviolet lithography, optical characterisation, metrology and calibration.

Princeton Instruments’ SpectraPro HRS-750 is a new 750 mm focal length spectrograph and scanning monochromator that features an astigmatism-corrected optical design, a mechanical scanning range of 0–1500 nm, as well as resolution of 0.05 nm or better.

Agilent’s Cary 3500 UV-Vis system is available in different configurations and can run multiple experiments simultaneously.

Agilent’s 8700 Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) chemical imaging system employs a single-element electrically cooled detector to eliminate laser coherence artefacts from images and spectra.

Hamamatsu’s latest miniature NIR spectrometer is 1/40th of the cubic size of its predecessor.

Bruker’s S” POLAR is a multi-element benchtop polarised energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analyser for a range of applications petrochemicals.

Waters has introduced the RenataDX™ Screening System, a flow-injection tandem mass spectrometry system for rapid high-throughput analysis of extracted dried blood spots and other human biological matrices.

An entry-level handheld XRF analyser with range of calibrations and accessories.