Spectroscopy News
The 2017 Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award has been given to Professor Pawliszyn.
The 2017 Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award has been made to Edward I. Solomon.
Diamond Light Source has welcomed the first users to the hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline (I14), the latest phase III beamline to be opened.
On 15 March Ghent University officially launches a prestigious research project on precision agriculture, led by Abdul Mouazen.
Shimadzu’s new European Innovation Center in Duisburg, Germany is a Think Tank which will combine academic-scientific and technical expertise with Shimadzu’s expertise to ceate new solutions.
THz laser system has helped Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory extend the frequency range of ESR techniques.
HORIBA Scientific has awarded Dr Ibrahim Cissé of MIT its annual Young Fluorescence Investigator Award.
Princeton Instruments has appointed ROSH Electroptics as their exclusive sales representative in Israel.
Analytik have been appointed as exclusive distributors for the NeoSpectra range of low-cost, miniaturised, OEM FT-NIR spectral sensors.
High-resolution laser ionisation of radioactive atoms in a supersonic gas jet has been used to probe the properties of heavy elements.
Researchers have reported a new development of hyperspectral infrared nanoimaging. It is based on Fourier transform infrared nanospectroscopy (nano-FT-IR) and enables highly sensitive spectroscopic imaging of chemical composition with nanoscale spatial resolution.
By measuring the height profile of the sample prior to analysis, mass spectrometry imaging can now visualise the distribution of chemical substances on samples with non-flat surfaces.
Nanostructure-based lenses provide focussing and dispersion, and allow smaller devices with increased functionality.
A new approach has been shown to decrease the emission linewidth from a molecule; one of the key aims in precision spectroscopy.
NMR spectroscopy has shown a molecule self-assembling into different forms passing from solution state to solid state and back again.
Enhancing the luminescence of core-shell lanthanide-doped nanocrystals through surface modifications
Spectral and lifetime properties of the enhanced upconversion and downconversion mechanism of shell-enhanced lanthanide-doped nanocrystals revealed through luminescence spectroscopy.
Researcher from the Graphene Flagship have developed a novel graphene-based infrared (IR) detector demonstrating record high sensitivity for thermal detection. Graphene’s unique attributes pave the way for high-performance IR imaging and spectroscopy.
TeraView says that its terahertz imaging and spectroscopy products could be employed to help regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies and industry screen for counterfeit drugs