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Process ATR probe

17 February 2016 | Product
by Ian Michael

Axiom Analytical’s new DPR-212 ATR probe offers similar advantages to their DPR-210 ATR probe but in a straight, 30-cm long configuration designed to provide optical transmission of over 20%. The earlier DPR-210 includes a right-angle joint which allows it to be inserted vertically into a sample container when mounted in a traditional spectrometer sample compartment. In contrast, the straight DPR-212 is ideal for use with instruments such as the Bruker Alpha or Thermo-Fisher iS Series which allow the probe to point straight down out of the sample compartment. When used with a more traditional instrument, it can be inserted into a sample vessel through a suitable sealing fitting. In common with the DPR-210, the new probe offers a selection of interchangeable ATR materials, such as ZnSe, ZnS, AMTIR-1 and germanium.