Malvern Panalytical has launched the Epsilon 1, which is pre-calibrated in the factory and is an out-of-the-box solution for the analysis of low sulphur content in fuels. The Epsilon 1 does not require helium, which makes it easy to operate with low cost per analysis, and complies with ISO13032 and similar test methods. The Epsilon 1 is a fully integrated energy dispersive XRF analyser consisting of a spectrometer, built-in computer and analysis software. It has a well-designed optical path, a wide range of excitation capabilities ranging from 7 kV to 30 kV for light and heavier elements and a sensitive SDD detector system. Epsilon 1 can be used for the characterisation and analysis of any type of sample in industry segments such as cement, cosmetics, environmental, food, forensics, metals and coatings, mining and minerals, nanomaterials, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers and RoHS-2.