The Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) is an international geoscience research agency and is aiming to creating solutions for harvesting critical raw materials from mine waste and side streams to boost sustainability in the raw materials sector. GTK will be using the Epsilon Xflow X-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument from Malvern Panalytical to analyse the chemical composition of mine liquids in real-time.
Dr Małgorzata Szlachta, Senior Scientist from the GTK said “Our mobile pilot-scale recovery installation, together with mineral processing pilot plant and its laboratories, provide tailored water treatment solutions that best meet the customers’ demands. The investment in on-line energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer Epsilon Xflow lets us monitor, control and correct essential process parameters in real-time. Development strategies for increasing the recycling rate of the process water and recovery of critical raw materials from effluents and side streams require reliable analytical techniques. Thanks to the Epsilon Xflow, we can offer our customers simultaneous analysis of a wide range of chemical elements in many different process streams with low detection limits.”
“Mine water is a big environmental issue of mine sites globally. License to operate can depend on the mine water management solution among others. We at Malvern Panalytical believe that Epsilon Xflow helps with water treatment solutions the mining companies can overcome the challenge”, said Jarmo Lohilahti, Business Management Nordic at Malvern Panalytical.