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As a dynamic and fully integrated manufacturing company with a unique range of skills, Starna Scientific Ltd (Starna) is a major worldwide supplier of accessories for spectroscopy including cuvettes, Certified Reference Materials and optical components. Customers include end users, distributors and most major instrument manufacturers of spectrophotometers, fluorimeters and various analytical chemistry instruments.
Spectrophotometer, Fluorimeter & UHV Cells
Since the mid 1960’s when Starna pioneered the technique of fully fusing cuvettes by heat alone, a broad and ever-expanding range of spectrophotometer cells/cuvettes have undergone continual improvement and development. Working with glass and quartz materials, this has been achieved by employing a multitude of skills available within the production facility, which include: cutting, grinding, polishing, ultrasonic drilling, fusing and both metalised and multi-layer coating. Traceability is achieved through ISO 9001 process control and documentation. The wide range of spectrophotometer cells produced include standard cuvettes and flow cells with path lengths ranging from 0.01 mm to 500 mm.
Traceable CRMs for Instrument Performance Validation (IPV)
With more than forty years’ of experience and continual development Starna has accumulated a wealth of in-depth knowledge in the production of permanently flame sealed liquid UV/Visible/NIR CRMs as well as solid glass or quartz materials. All references are certified traceable to NIST (USA) or other appropriate NMIs. Starna CRMs are also produced in an environment accredited to both ISO/IEC 17025 (since 2001) for calibration and ISO 17034 (since 2006) as a Reference Material Producer. Pharmacopoeia compliant sets are supplied to facilitate IPV according to the latest requirements of all major Pharmacopoeias, including the EP and USP. Since 1970 Starna has carried out fundamental research and development in polymer and glass material production, to provide unique and bespoke fluorescent references for IPV. These are available for use in a whole range of instruments from reference fluorimeters and micro plate readers to point-of-care devices. The Starna Calibration Laboratory is also able to certify many third-party products to ISO/IEC 17025 standard. All re-certifications, including third party products, are routinely processed within five working days.
Optical components
Starna specialise in the manufacture of toroid, spherical and cylindrical mirrors with reflectivity > 85% into the Deep UV as far as 150 nm with metal coatings, as well as bespoke multi- layer ‘V’, ‘W’ & broad Band coatings have been developer, UHV and other applications.