Shimadzu has introduced the RF-6000 spectrofluorophotometer. By optimising the internal design, a signal-to-noise ratio of 350 : 1 is achieved, allowing for high-sensitivity analyses of a wide range of samples. As well, the speed of 3D measurements has been increased significantly. Samples in very low concentrations or in minute amounts can be analysed by making use of optional cells designed for trace amounts. The light source uses a xenon arc lamp whose illumination lifespan has been increased about four times to around 2000 hours. It is possible to obtain fluorescence spectra up to 900 nm with a standard configuration. In addition, the RF-6000 can be used for new applications such as measurement of quantum yield and quantum efficiency in order to evaluate the efficiency of a luminescent material; low-temperature measurement to enable recovery of a sample in order to elucidate artificial photosynthesis; and to search for methods to determine the place of origin of foodstuffs. The new LabSolutions RF control software makes it easier to set up an integrated system of analyses and confirm the instrument status accurately.