TOPTICA have introduced the CTL 900 continuously tuneable laser, which is tuneable between 880 nm and 950 nm. This wavelength range is especially useful for resonantly exciting quantum dots, for spectroscopy or addressing, e.g., rare earth ions or the Caesium D1 line. The most important property of this range of lasers is providing wide and continuous tunability without any mode-hops. They have high power, a narrow linewidth and low drift. Scans can be performed with high resolution. Mode-hops are prevented by a patented opto-mechanical design together with an active feedback loop called SMILE (Single Mode Intelligent Loop Engine) that keeps the laser on the same mode at all times. With the fully digital, low noise and drift DLC pro controller, the CTL laser is easy to use and operate via touchscreen and knobs as well as remotely via PC GUI and command language (Python SDK). A test system mode can characterise components or record spectra.